Volume in drive C is ST251
 Volume Serial Number is 3634-08EF
 Directory of C:\IBM-PC.SE\DRIVERS\PEN

. <DIR>
.. <DIR>
Compaq Concerto <DIR> 11-08-13 12:00a Complete Concerto HDD Backup of original install 1994
EPSON EHT-400C <DIR> 10-10-12 12:00a
IBM Thinkpad 730T <DIR> 10-27-12 12:00a
Windows for Pen Computing (WinPen) <DIR> 10-27-12 12:00a Win3.xx Pen Drivers from MS, This Gets Installed on top of
Windows prior to Installing Tablet Specific Drivers
                     3 file(s)          0 bytes
                                      19,593,216 bytes free